Surfaces planed to display wood grain Size varies by up to 1/4" Will not contain rot, wane, cracks or pith Totally clear and free from defects Contains at least 90% heartwood
Customer Reviews Based on 5 reviews Write a review 60% (3) 40% (2) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) S Susan Deforrest Olive Nice blanks and quick shipping R Richard Wisner I'll be getting some more Olive wood. First time turning Olive wood. Turned very nicely. Twice turned, drying in between. Finished beautifully. C Cindy Soto Love, Love, Love Thank you so much for your care of the olive wood I ordered! It was packed carefully. Thank you too for the purple wood sample! I’ve never heard of it! Can’t wait to try it! D Dwayne Wilson Olivewood Great prices, nice olivewood a fast delivery. Just waiting for it to dry so I can turn them. C Craig Barton a little disappointed Only one of the 3 pieces I ordered have the striking dark stripes that I associate with olivewood. The other 2 pieces have stripes that are only slightly darker than the rest of the wood. However, the wood is wet - perhaps the contrast will become more apparent as it dries.