Surfaces planed to display wood grain Size varies by up to 1/4" Will not contain rot, wane, cracks or pith Solid knots up to 1/4" are allowed Contains at least 80% sapwood May contain ambrosia streaks May contain light mineral stain Contains curly figure through at least 75% of each blank
Customer Reviews Based on 3 reviews Write a review 67% (2) 33% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) R Robert Marcereau Wrong customer Didn’t order or receive curly maple e ernie alessio Nice clean pieces of quality maple. Turned and finished well, very satisfied. Ernie B Bruce Dunton Another great blank This, and every other blank that I have ordered from Got Wood, is exactly what I wanted and have grown to expect. I will continue to rely on you folks for great, kiln dried blanks.