Surfaces planed to display wood grain Size varies by up to 1/4" Will not contain rot, wane, cracks or pith Solid knots up to 1/4" are allowed Contains less than 30% heartwood Contains one or more of the following: ambrosia streaks, mineral stain, spalting and/or miscellaneous figure Select maple is a byproduct of cutting colored/figured types of maple
Customer Reviews Based on 5 reviews Write a review 80% (4) 20% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) R Rob Boyer 8x3 Select Maple As always when they say Select Maple, ghey are select. Great product, great price, fast shipping. Quality,Quality. A woodworker in Arizona. They don't grow many Maple trees in Arizona. R Richard Patrick Always the best Never fails to amaze me with service and quality J John Stiehler Maple turning blanks These blanks are perfect. I will use these to teach a Beads of Courage Workshop at the Carolina Mountain Woodturners Retreat at Arrowmont in April. P Paul Benjamin No cracking I like getting kiln dried wood because it’s stable. Put work into a project, can be sure it stays the way intended K Kenneth Pilling Nice wood