Surfaces planed to display wood grain Size varies by up to 1/4" Will not contain rot, wane, cracks or pith Solid knots up to 1/4" are allowed Contains at least 80% heartwood Contains moderate to heavy ambrosia streaking May contain light mineral stain or figure Contains insect holes caused by the ambrosia beetle
Customer Reviews Based on 2 reviews Write a review 100% (2) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) T Tom Jones Perfect piece of wood The wood was as described. These guys are great to work with. I would highly recommend buying from them G Gonzalo Delacruz Great figure and grain I am always beyond pleased with my purchases on ambrosia maple especially the cuts I always receive., Very beautiful and eye catching when turned to its final design. Thank you and I will definitely be getting more