Surfaces planed to display wood grain Size varies by up to 1/4" Will not contain rot, wane, cracks or pith Solid knots up to 1/4" are allowed Contains at least 80% heartwood Contains moderate to heavy ambrosia streaking May contain light mineral stain or figure Contains insect holes caused by the ambrosia beetle
Customer Reviews Based on 4 reviews Write a review 75% (3) 25% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) C Chuck Nice wood The blank was high quality maple and beautiful but didn't have as much figuring as I was hoping for. Still, it made some beautiful handles for a BBQ set. All the wood I have purchased to date from Got Wood has been very good and I will purchasing more in the future. A Adam Styles Will buy again The wood was of great quality and fast shipping. l will definitely buy from them again. W William Robinson Good looking piece of wood. First of all, I don't have a lathe yet and dont turn. I do make other items. I have cut the 3x3 block into thin 3" x 1/8" strips and use them for wood wallets (my name for them) actually credit card and money holds that are slim and fit in front pocket, instead of rear pocket. I also make wood mallets and cut down the 3" x 3" blocks to whatever size I need for heads or handles. I love the Ambrosia Maple for the handles. Really a great look coupled with darker, harder woods for the heads. I'll be buying more items when bank balance permits j john fulbright very pleased