Surfaces planed to display wood grain Size varies by up to 1/4" Will not contain rot, wane, cracks or pith Solid knots up to 1/4" are allowed Contains at least 60% heartwood Contains light to medium figure through at least 75% of each blank.
Customer Reviews Based on 1 review Write a review 100% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) J Jeffery Brigman bowl for flower's This piece of wood turned out fantastic. The grain is very prominent, so I am told, lol. I finished it with teak oil and watco original gloss. I will try to get a picture posted at some point, but I am very, very low vision and do not attempt to post much. The shape is wavy with pedestal and umbrella shape at bottom. Sanded extremely well. Excellent survice and delivery time also. My go to for blanks. Blind wood turner. :D Jeffery